Sunday, September 04, 2011

Olympic Peninsula, Victoria, Seattle and Home

This is another retroactive entry covering the rest of the trip. We got back home late Wednesday night, August 24. So, scroll down to the bottom of this entry to read/view chronologically.

8/24/11 (Wednesday) – Last day…back to Fort Worth. Got an early start, so we made it to the Bainbridge Island ferry with time to spare, enough time to spend a couple more hours at Pike Place Public Market in Seattle.

Had cheese sandwiches at Beecher's where you can watch them make the cheese used in the sandwiches. We tried their macaroni & cheese as well...very cheesy and delicious.

Bought a couple more things...why not...we are at the market. It's a good place to pick up some gifts for family and friends.

Elwha River
Madison Falls
8/23/11 (Tuesday) – Started late this morning. Instead of bagels at the cabin for breakfast we went to Granny’s CafĂ©. Afterwards on to the Elwha River for a short hike up to the dam which is to be demolished beginning in September. The area is being restored to its natural state, the reintroduction of its former salmon runs. Of course this action is several decades too late given that the construction of the dam in the early 1900s took away the livelihood of the Native Americans that used to live along the river. But, it is good that the area is being restored…it may take the government awhile to “get it”, but progress is being made.

Visited Madison Falls on our way out of the Elwha valley. Headed into Port Angeles for lunch at the wine bar on the wharf. Had some excellent clam chowder, three cheeses and a couple glasses of wine. Dessert was ice cream cones from Dairy Queen, then back to the cabin for a nap.

Dinner was at Michael’s in downtown Port Angeles. I had Dungeness crab cakes, Vicki steak. All good. Came away stuffed. Back to the cabin to pack and get ready for the return trip to Fort Worth and the continuing heat wave…yippee!

Ferry to Victoria
8/22/11 (Monday)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Took the ferry from Port Angeles to Victoria. Decided not to take the car. This is the first time Vicki used her passport…although she is disappointed it did not get stamped.

We arrived a little after 10 AM. It rained until we it was time for us to leave.


Parliament Cupola
First thing we did was take a 30 minute tour of the British Columbia Parliament. It’s a very grand building.  The docent explained the government/political structure of parliament. A bit on the history included a woman who played the part of Queen Victoria.

Next we went to the Visitor’s Centre, got a map, tips on where to eat and visit. Exchanged some US currency for Canadian. Had lunch at little Mexican food place. Caught a bus to Craigdarroch Castle, built for Robert Dunsmir between 1887-1890, who was one of the most wealthy people in BC. He died a year before the castle was completed. Interesting structure with many nice stained glass windows.

Headed back downtown.  Walked the narrowest alley in the city…wide enough for a single person. Made purchases at two shops in the alley. At one we bought a green man chalice/wine glass and journal notebook. We also got a book and some chocolates at Rogers'. The green apple cream was the best.

Empress Hotel
Got tired walking in the rain. Bought a smoothie at a shop so we could rest. Walked some more and then rested again at the Empress Hotel…some nice leather chairs in the upper lobby…one of the most relaxing moments of the trip.

Had dinner at Sam’s Deli/Sandwhich shop. As we were eating around 6 PM, the sun came out. We walked around the wharf area and then to the ferry that departed at 7:30 PM. Arrived back in Port Angeles about 9 PM.

Concluded that the trip to Victoria was kind of a bust. The rain didn’t help, but it’s the only day this trip where the weather has been bad. Missed Buchart Garden which is one of the big attractions. Visiting a big city in the rain…not that great…but the castle was cool.

Hoh Rainforest
8/21/11 (Sunday)Hoh Rainforest and Ruby Beach today. Another long day driving. Got an early start since we had about 80 miles to go.

The Hoh forest around the visitor center has several short hikes. We took several of them through the trees. Some of the trees are more than 900 years old, Douglas fir, spruce, hemlock (not the poison). The moss hanging from the branches makes some of the trees look like monsters and aliens.

Ruby Beach
I must note for the sake of pop culture that the Olympic Peninsula is the area in which the Twilight vampire stories are based. There are tours and landmarks all over the area regarding events in the stories. I mention this because tonight we had dinner at Bella Italia, the restaurant where two of the Twilight characters, Bella and Edward, had their first dinner date. Who would guess that a vampire likes Italian?

Hurricane Ridge
8/20/11 (Saturday) –  Most scenic hike ever today…Hurricane Ridge. According to Vicki, freaky.

The drive up is about 17 miles from Port Angeles. Nice views on the way up. Lots of cyclists…reminded me of the Alp D'Huez climb in the Tour de France.

At the top, amazing view. Hurricane Ridge is a snow covered craggy mountain range. The sky is clear and blue. It’s actually warmer up here than in Port Angeles, 80 degrees as opposed to 68.

There are a number of hikes to choose from that begin in the parking lot. We decided to go up one of the ridges, since we are equipped for it.

The climb at times was very steep. The trail “freaky” because it is narrow, two to three feet wide with a 60-80 degree drop on one side. The hiking poles came in handy.

Encountered some snow pack where the trail had been diverted. One spot was very steep. Going down was worse than going up.

Of all the hikes we have taken, this is the most scenic. Amazing views of the mountains all around and the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

We did have to keep moving because standing still meant a mosquito attack. We were also getting buzzed by nickel –sized flies.

Met a group from India who were hiking in street shoes and no water. It’s hard to understand what people are thinking when they start out on a hike…obviously not thinking.

Heard a story about a guy that died up here last year after being gored by a mountain goat. Apparently he was trying to protect a group of hikers from this aggressive goat. When gored an artery was severed and he bled out. The goat stood over him for thirty minutes, so no one could help him. The aggressive behavior is related to men urinating in the goat’s territory.

Barrel Racing at the Rodeo
Headed back to Port Angeles to the Clallum County Fair. The woman at the ticket booth let us pay as seniors…I guess because of our dirty/sweaty look after hiking. The best event at the Fair was the rodeo. This was the real deal! Small town rodeo with cow folk who are just learning how to barrel race, ride a bucking horse and bull. Fun to watch. Got a lot of good photos.

Visited some of the animal barns after the rodeo. The swine barn had a mama pig and her many piglets having dinner. A funny sight.

Cape Flattery
8/19/11 (Friday) – Drove a lot today.  Up the coast to Cape Flattery, the furthest northwest point of the lower 48 states. The inland weather is bright and sunny. As we approach the coast, fog. Visibility at Cape Flattery is 100-150 yards. Despite the weather an amazing place. The surf has carved caves into the side of cliffs. Huge rocks are stranded off the beach/coast. They appear and disappear in the fog. Beautiful.

Spotted puffins fishing. A bald eagle flew over us. Very cool.

Met a German couple who work in Dubai. I didn’t think that anyone we met would beat the 100+ degree heat we were escaping in Ft. Worth, but Dubai is humid and 120 degrees! The woman said she takes their dog for a walk at 4:30 AM, and it won’t go out the rest of the day. They endure the heat for the good money they are making.

Rialto Beach
Kept going up the coast to more beaches, such as Rialto Beach. The fog was at each, but the views were still pretty awesome.

Headed back to the B&B. Stopped for dinner at the Hungry Bear Restaurant. We should have left the Bear hungry…the food was yuck.

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